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22 Immutable Laws of marketing

By Al Ries and Jack Trouts


10 Reasons to advertise

RAB's 10 top reasons to advertise. 

Why Radio

RAB's great presentation on radio. Find facts, data on a medium that reaches 93 percent of everyone every week in the US. 

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Great Marking Quotes for the ages

1. It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. - Charles Darwin

2. The purest treasure mortals times can afford is a spotless reputation. - William Shakespeare

3. If you want to understand how a lion hunts don't go to the zoo. Go to the jungle. - Jim Stengel CMO of P&G

4. Customers can't always tell you what they want, but they can always tell you what's wrong. -Carly Fiona on the Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders           podcast

5. Advertising is a tax for having an unremarkable product. -Robert Stephens, Founder of the Geek Squad

6. Great wisdom not applied to action and behavior is meaningless data. -Peter Drucker

7. If Thomas Edison had used a focus  group he would have just invented a bigger candle. -from The Brand Show episode "The Science of Branding"

8. Try not to become a man of success rather a man of value. -Albert Einstein

9. as long as I have failed to defeat my enemy, I must fear that he will defeat me, therefor I am not in sole control; he controls me just as I control him. -Carl von Clausewitz, On War (1832)

10. the greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan. - Car Von Clausewitz
